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Lesson 1: 思辨的意義

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Big shot on celebrities(Due 03/15)英文線上作業分享~^^下面是題目~
Celebrities? Who cares about celebrities!! We do, becasue we would like to explore in English in our reading / writing class. That's all. In this topic discussion, choose a famous person, for example, a sports star, a political figure, or a singer to be your topic. Imagine you are his / her fanatical fan, his / her mom or dad, his / her wife or husband; Or imagine you are a tabloid editor, a paparazzo, a TV anchor, or the "celebrity" himself / herself. Write in here and share with us your deepest thoughts. For example, you can present us an entry of your diary.Then, you still need to read and respond to any two of your classmates. PS: Length for your posting is no shorter than 150 words.

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